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Terms of Use

Please read these terms of use carefully. By accessing or using
(“Website”), you hereby agree to be bound by the terms described hereunder and all other terms that have been incorporated by way of reference.

  1. About

1.1 This Website, i.e.,, is operated by 4ward Health Services, a micro, small and medium enterprise (″MSME″) duly registered under the applicable laws of India and having its registered office at A-162, Belvedere Park, Block-DLF, Phase-3, Gurugram- 122 002, Haryana, India (hereinafter referred to as ″Pauseforward″ or ″We″ or ″Our″ or ″Us″).

  1. 2 This Website facilitates online medical consultancy services (″Consultancy Services″) being offered by independent third party Consultants (registered and / or licensed (as the case may be) in accordance with the applicable laws(s) in India; including any registered medical practitioners enrolled in the State Medical Register or Indian Medical Register under the Indian Medical Council Act, 1956; registered ayurvedic, siddha and unani practitioners enrolled in the State Medical Register or Central Register Indian Medicine under the Indian Medicine Central Council Act, 1970 (″ASU Consultant″); dieticians/nutritionists holding an appropriate license issued by the Indian Dietetic Association; and other health and wellness experts/coaches who hold an appropriate license issued by the relevant authorities under the applicable laws each a ″Consultant″) to individual women  aged 18 years and above or her representatives, located within the geographical territory of India, who are looking to obtain medical consultancy and health related advice on this Website (″Patients″ or ″End-Users″). The Website may also host and provide from time to time, health and wellness related information through periodic webinars and other online and offline based information sharing media hosted and/or managed by the Website (″Information Services″) for persons accessing or browsing the Website (″General Users″) as well as Patients (collectively referred to as ″Users″ ″You″ or ″Your″). For the purposes of these Terms the Consultancy Services and Information Services are collectively, the ″Services″.

2.  Applicability of the Terms of use

2.1  Your access or use of this Website, transactions conducted between Patients and Consultants on this Website for  Consultancy Services and use of other Services that is hosted and managed remotely by us through this Website is governed by these terms of use (″Terms”). By accessing, using or browsing this Website, you hereby signify your agreement to be bound by these Terms, and our other policies including (but not limited to) our Privacy Policy [AZB1] , and also such other rules, policies and guidelines that are relevant under the applicable law(s) in India.

2.2 You agree and acknowledge that the Website is an online platform which enables you and the third party consultants to meet and interact with each other for the purpose of availing and/or rendering the services, as the case may be. You also agree and acknowledge that Pauseforward is only a facilitator and not a party to the above-mentioned interaction and does not control in any manner, the interaction and the transaction between you and the consultants. Accordingly, the contract for services on the Website shall be a strictly bipartite contract between you and the consultants.

2.3 Except for your inter se arrangement with the consultants, these terms define the terms and conditions which govern the relationship between you, the consultants and us. We reserve the right to modify or amend or terminate any portion of these terms at any time, and such modifications or amendments to the terms will be intimated to you in writing (including over email). We advise you to read the terms at regular intervals since your use of the website pursuant to any such modification or amendment as stated above, will constitute your valid agreement to follow and be bound by these Terms so modified.

2.4 Use of the website and services is available only to persons who can form a legally binding contract under the Indian Contract Act, 1872. By your use of the website, you hereby represent and warrant that you have completed eighteen (18) years of age, and that You have the right, authority and capacity to use the website and to agree and abide by these Terms.

2.5 These terms have been published in compliance of and is governed by the applicable law(s) in India.

2.6 These terms constitute an electronic record as per the IT Act and the rules and regulations issued thereunder to the extent applicable. This electronic record is generated by a computer system and does not require any physical or digital signatures.

2.7 Please note that Pauseforward may from time-to-time contract with third party service providers, to facilitate certain features of the website and/or the Services, including but not limited to, scheduling of appointments with consultants, sharing of medical reports, storage of data, etc. In such cases the terms for such features may be in addition to these terms and will be intimated to users at the time of enablement or provided at the time of use of such features. You hereby agree to comply with such terms, as updated from time to time.

Further, you hereby understand and agree that Pauseforward shall in no event be liable or responsible for any third-party platforms/ websites/products or services, including any third party bundled products/ services (if any).

3. Website Content

 3.1 All content and information made available on the Website including (but not limited to) text, graphics, images, logos, button icons, software code, design and other visuals (collectively, ″Website Content″) is the property of Pauseforward or its content suppliers (including Consultants) and is protected under the applicable law(s) in India. You hereby agree and acknowledge that we authorize you to view and access the content available on the website and that you will not, in any manner, modify, reproduce, display, distribute or otherwise use the website content for any public or commercial purpose or for any personal gain. Further, the compliance with these terms entitles you to a personal, non-exclusive, non-transferable and limited privilege to access and use the Website.

3.2 Pauseforward displays on the website, relevant information regarding the profile and practice of the consultants listing their Services on the Website, such as their qualification, fees, location, consultancy hours, and similar details. Pauseforward takes reasonable efforts to ensure that such information is updated at frequent intervals. Although Pauseforward screens and vets the information and content submitted by the consultants, it cannot be held liable for any inaccuracies or incompleteness represented from it, despite such reasonable efforts.

3.3 Please note that some of the website content that may be available on the website may be provided by individuals in the medical profession. The provision of such information does not create a licensed medical professional/patient relationship, between Pauseforward and you and does not constitute an opinion, medical advice, or diagnosis or treatment of any particular condition, but is only provided to facilitate and assist you with locating appropriate medical care from an consultants.

3.4 It is hereby expressly clarified that, the information that you obtain or receive on the website, and from Pauseforward and its employees, contractors, partners, sponsors, advertisers, licensors or otherwise is for informational purposes only. We make no guarantees, representations or warranties, whether expressed or implied, with respect to professional qualifications, quality of work, expertise or other information provided on the website. In no event shall we be liable to you or anyone else for any decision made or action taken by you in reliance on such information.

4. Use of the Services

4.1 It is clarified that Pauseforward is an online web-based platform that enables you to interact and consult with the Consultants available on this website for the services offered. Pausefoward does not in any way, replace the relationship between you and the consultants; in other words, you agree ands acknowledge that there exists no doctor-patient relationship between you and Pauseforward.

4.2 The consultants available on this Website are independent practitioners/contractors and hence, we do not have a principal-agent, employer-employee relationship with such consultants. Accordingly, Pauseforward will not be responsible or vicariously liable, in any manner or situation, for any medical advice and/or medical consultancy or any loss/damage/injury arising as a result of such advice and/or consultancy that you may receive as a part of the services.

4.3 The information services on the website is being provided to you on a best-effort basis and the same does not constitute a medical diagnosis, treatment or prescription. You agree that such Information services serve the purpose of merely providing information to you during your use of the website. Further, we do not make any guarantee and/or representation with regard to the correctness, accuracy or completeness of the Information services provided on/through the website.

4.4 The consultancy services provided by the consultants available on the website are solely the independent and professional medical opinions and/or statements of such consultants and do not in any manner reflect the opinions and/or statements of Pauseforward.

4.5 The services offered on the Website are not for use in medical emergencies and/or for any critical health situations that would require prompt and immediate medical attention. The Services on the Website may not always be the most efficacious solution especially in situations which require an in-person medical consultation.

4.6 The availability of Consultants facilitated by the Website, in no manner whatsoever, constitutes an endorsement or recommendation by Pauseforward of such consultants. We do not recommend and/or endorse any specific consultants, tests, opinions (medical or otherwise) or any other information that is provided as a part of the website content. You agree to place reliance on the website content at your own risk and we recommend you to kindly contact your nearest doctor/hospital/helpline in case of a medical emergency.

4.7 You are not permitted to access and/or use our website or the services therein, in any manner that could damage, disable, impair or otherwise cause harm to the website or interfere with the use and enjoyment of any other User(s) of the Website. You further agree that you will not gain (or attempt to gain) any unauthorized access to any website content or Services or any other ancillary networks, computer systems or other accounts connected and/or related to the Website (″Unauthorized Access″). It is clarified that such unauthorized access includes (but is not limited to) the use of any other person and/or Users’ credentials to avail the services on the website and/or obtain access in any manner to the website Content.

4.8 We may, at our sole discretion, suspend the users’ or consultants’ ability to access or use the website at any time while we investigate complaints or alleged violations of these terms, or for any other reason as we deem fit.

4.9 You hereby agree and undertake not to use the website or the services to do any of the following acts:

(a) Post, contribute, display, transmit or share any material that:

  1. infringes any intellectual property rights including without limitation any copyrights and related rights, trademarks, trade dress, service marks, design rights, utility models, trade secrets, know-how, patent rights, goodwill, rights of publicity or other proprietary rights of any party, including Pauseforward;

  2. is unlawful, fraudulent, deceptive, harmful, threatening, abusive, harassing, tortuous, excessively violent, defamatory, vulgar, obscene, pornographic, pedophilic, libelous, invasive of another’s privacy, hateful, disparaging, relating or encouraging money laundering or gambling, or menacing in nature, racially, ethnically or otherwise objectionable;

  3. you do not have a right to sell or transmit under any law or under contractual or fiduciary relationships;

  4. poses or creates a privacy or security risk to any person;

  5. constitutes unsolicited or unauthorized advertising, promotional materials, commercial activities and/or sales, “junk mail,” “spam,” “chain letters,” “pyramid schemes,” “contests,” “sweepstakes,” or any other form of solicitation;

  6. Deceives or misleads about the origin of material submitted;

  7. contains software viruses or any other computer code, files or programs designed to interrupt, destroy or limit the functionality of any computer software or hardware or telecommunications equipment; or

  8. in the sole judgment of Pauseforward, is objectionable or which restricts or inhibits any other person from using or enjoying the Website or Services, or which may expose Pauseforward or other users to any harm or liability of any type;

    1. Impersonate any person or entity, or falsely state or otherwise misrepresent your affiliation with a person or entity;

    2. Harm or solicit personal information from, anyone under the age of 18 or a who is or is deemed to be a minor under applicable law/s;

    3. Harvest or collect email addresses or other contact information of other Users from the Website by electronic or other means for the purposes of sending unsolicited emails or other unsolicited communications;

    4. Advertise or offer to sell or buy any goods or services other than those intended through the Website;

    5. Interfere with or disrupt the Website or servers or networks connected to the Website, or violate any requirements, procedures, policies or regulations of networks connected to the Website;

    6. “Crawls,” “scrapes,” or “spiders” any page, data, or portion of or relating to the Website or Website Content (through use of manual or automated means);

    7. Copies or stores any significant portion of the Website Content;

    8. Decompiles, reverse engineers, or otherwise attempts to obtain the source code or underlying ideas or information of or relating to the Website;

    9. Violate any applicable local, state, national or international law, or any regulations having the force of law;

    10. Further or promote any criminal activity or enterprise or provide instructional information about illegal activities;

    11. Obtain or attempt to access or otherwise obtain any materials or information through any means not intentionally made available or provided for through the Service; or

    12. Threatens the unity, integrity, defence, security or sovereignty of India, friendly relations with foreign states, or public order or causes incitement to the commission of any cognizable offence or prevents investigation of any offence or is insulting any other nation.

4.10  You agree and acknowledge that You alone will be liable for your use of the services offered on the Website and Pauseforward will not assume any responsibility an/or liability in this regard.

4.11 You agree and acknowledge that your right to use the consultancy services is not transferable.

5. Records

5.1 Pauseforward may provide End-Users with details and data (collectively “Records”) on the registered communications (i.e., mobile number or email ID). Such records may be of two types:

(a)  User Information: Information provided by you or information generated during your use of the Website.

(b) Consultants created: Records generated due to your interaction with any consultants.

5.2 Any consultants created record is provided on an as-is basis at the sole intent, risk and responsibility of the consultants and Pauseforward does not validate the said information and makes no representation in connection therewith. You should contact the relevant consultants in case you wish to point out any discrepancies or add, delete, or modify the record in any manner.

5.3 It is your responsibility to keep your correct mobile number and email ID updated in the Records. The records will be sent to your associated mobile number and/or email ID. Every time you change any contact information (mobile or email), we will send a confirmation. Pauseforward is not responsible for any loss or inconvenience caused due to your failure in updating the contact details with Pauseforward.

5.4 While Pauseforward uses industry–level security and encryption to your records, please note Pauseforward does not guarantee to prevent unauthorized access. In the event you are aware of any unauthorized use or access, you shall immediately inform Pauseforward of such unauthorized use or access.

5.5 In case you want to delete your records, you can do so by contacting our service support team. However only your data and details and any associated records maintained with us will be deleted, and your records stored by the consultants will continue to be stored in their respective accounts.

5.6 Pauseforward is not liable if for any reason, records are not delivered to you or are delivered late despite its best efforts.

5.7 Pauseforward is not responsible or liable for any content, fact, records, medical deduction or the language used in your records whatsoever. Your consultants is solely responsible and liable for your records and any information provided to us including but not limited to the content in them.

5.8 Pauseforward has the ability in its sole discretion to retract records without any prior notice if they are found to be shared incorrectly or inadvertently.

5.9 Pauseforward may be required to disclose records in order to comply with applicable laws, as may be amended from time to time.

6. User Data Privacy

6.1 The Privacy Policy of the website, inter alia, covers the following aspects:

– What information we collect from users

For what purpose do we collect the information

  • How and to whom do we disclose this information

  • How do we handle other related information as under applicable law(s).

6.2 We recommend that you read and understand the Privacy Policy, to ensure that you are aware of the information that is being collected along the parameters mentioned therein and the various rights that are available to such users with respect to the your information that is being collected, used and disseminated by us.

6.3 We will not be responsible for verifying the authenticity of the information (including personal information and sensitive personal data or information) that is provided by the users to us or to any other representative and/or agent acting on behalf of Pauseforward,

6.4 The Website also allows Pauseforward to have access to registered users’ personal email or phone number, for communication purpose so as to provide you a better way of booking appointments and for obtaining feedback in relation to the consultants and their services.

6.5 If a user provides any information that is untrue, inaccurate, not current or incomplete (or becomes untrue, inaccurate, not current or incomplete), or Pauseforward has reasonable grounds to suspect that such information is untrue, inaccurate, not current or incomplete, Pauseforward has the right to discontinue the services to the user at its sole discretion.

6.6 It is clarified that Pauseforward may use the information provided by the users from time to time for purposes of debugging any user support related issues that may be faced in the operation and management of the website by us.

6.7 Pauseforward may retain information collected from the users pursuant to the availing of the services on the website for as long as it deems fit, depending on the nature, means, mode, purpose of the information collected in accordance with applicable law(s).

7. Payment and Taxes

7.1 Pauseforward will not charge any fee for the access and browsing of the Website by the users.

7.2 You agree that all payments related to the services will be made by you directly to the third party consultants by using the payment methods described and provided to you on the website.

7.3 You agree and acknowledge that Pauseforward will not be responsible or liable for any loss or damage caused to you during the process of your payment for the services in the following situations:

 – Insufficient funds in your bank account to complete the payment

 – You have provided incorrect details related to Your payment

– Other circumstances beyond our control, such as (but not limited to) power outages, interruption of cellular services, etc.

7.4 All information related to payments for the services provided on the Website is exclusive of applicable taxes. Further, you are solely responsible to for the payment of all taxes, legal compliances and other statutory reporting requirements. It is clarified that Pauseforward is not responsible for the payment of any taxes and tax related compliance except with relation to its own income.

8. Limitation of Liability

8.1 The Services on the Website are provided on an ‘as is’ basis, and without any warranties or conditions (express or implied, including the implied warranties of merchantability, accuracy, fitness for a particular purpose, title and non-infringement, arising by statute or otherwise in law or from a course of dealing or usage or trade).

8.2 Pauseforward does not provide or make any representations, warranties or guarantees, express or implied about the Website or the services. We do not verify any content or information provided by the users on the Website and disclaim all liability that may arise out of the use and/ or reliance upon the Website, the Services and the Website Content, representations and warranties made by the consultants on the Website (including opinions, medical advice and other comments) or any loss arising out of the manner in which the services have been rendered by the consultants, or arising out of any other matter relating to the website content and services.

8.3 Pauseforward will not be responsible or liable for any direct, indirect, special, incidental, consequential, exemplary or punitive damages arising from, or directly or indirectly related to, the use of, or the inability to use, the Website or the content, materials and functions related thereto, the services, User’s provision of information via the Website, lost business or lost users, even if we have been advised of the possibility of such damages. In no event shall the Pauseforward be liable for:

  1. provision of or failure to provide all or any service by consultants to Users contacted or managed through the Website;

  2. any content posted, transmitted, exchanged or received by or on behalf of any User or other person on or through the Website;

  3. any unauthorized access to or alteration of your transmissions or data; or

  4. any other matter relating to the website or the service.

9 . Force Majeure

You accept and acknowledge that Pauseforward shall not be liable for any loss or damage caused to the you as a result of delay or default or deficiency or failure in the services as a result of any natural disasters, fire, riots, civil disturbances, actions or decrees of governmental bodies, communication line failures (which are not caused due to the fault of Pauseforward), or any other delay or default or deficiency or failure which arises from causes beyond our reasonable control (″Force Majeure Event″).

10.Governing Law and Dispute Resolution

10.1 You agree that these Terms are a contractual obligation that is enforceable by the applicable laws(s) in India.

10.2 All disputes, differences and claims arising out of or in connection with these terms, shall be referred to the arbitration of a sole arbitrator in India appointed by Pauseforward. The decision and award determined by such arbitration will be final and binding in this regard. The arbitration shall be conducted in accordance with the provisions of the Arbitration and Conciliation Act, 1996, as amended force from time to time. The arbitration proceedings shall be conducted in English and the venue of the arbitration shall be New Delhi. The arbitrators shall pass a reasoned award in writing within four (4) months of the date of the appointment of the presiding arbitrator

11. Waiver

No provisions contained in these terms shall be deemed to have been waived and no breach of the terms shall be excused, unless such waiver or consent is given and signed by Pauseforward in writing (including over email). Any such waiver/consent by Pauseforward of any breach by of these Terms, whether expressed or implied, shall not constitute consent to, waiver of, or excuse for any other different or subsequent breach.

12. Contact Information and Grievance Redressal.

12.1 If you have any questions and/or queries related to the website and/or the services provide by the same, these terms or anything else related to the above, You may reach us our customer support at or via contact information available on the Website.

12.2 If you have any grievance with respect to the website or the services, including any discrepancies or grievances related to the processing of your information, you can contact our grievance officer at:
